Car Supermarket
On arrival at the CarSupermarket site, please ask for the contact. They will be the drivers point of contact when collecting the vehicle prior to delivery
A full inspection of the vehicle must be completed prior to leaving site, making particular attention to:
Number of keys
Documented service history, Handbooks and MOT if applicable.
Section 10/Green slip of the V5 document which will be passed to the customer for taxation purpose.
Handover pack/copy invoice for the customer
Photo of the customer to enable ID on delivery.
Please note deliveries should take place between 8.30am and 5pm
Prior to arrival with the customer, we ask all drivers to contact the customer at least one hour prior to handover of the vehicle.
On arrival with the customer, please introduce yourself. You are delivering the vehicle on behalf of “Car Supermarket.”
Within the handover pack that you collected from the site, there will be a picture of the customer/their ID. Please ensure that you see some photographic proof of identity from the customer. The person that you are handing the car over to, should match the photo and their proof of ID that they provide to you.
Stand back and let the customer inspect the car. Do not point out imperfections to customers, it is up to the customer to inspect the vehicles themselves and advise us of any issues.
Ensure that the customer has a clear understanding of the controls and how to start the car.
If there is no part exchange, please call 01482 567 244 to complete the sale whilst you are still with the customer. (If there is a Part Exchange please refer to part exchange process)
We will need to speak to the customer whilst they are with you, as we will need to register the car to the customer.
Please complete ID process per the steps 1 to 5 for a normal delivery but before calling 01482 567 244 please
complete below:
If there is a part exchange, you will need to complete a full appraisal paying particular attention to:
Any warning lights on dashboard
Service history – which we will need you to provide full details of
Any signs of damage (Scratches, dents, missing items etc)
Number of keys
Does the satellite navigation work if fitted?
Full V5 in the customers name showing the correct registration number and address
We require photographs sent via WhatsApp to 07510 594 808 of the V5c, Spare Key and all Proofs of the History seen.
Once the above is completed, please contact 01482 567 244 to talk through your appraisal.
We will then speak to the customer whilst they are with you as we will need to register their car to them.
Only when all of the above have been completed, you can complete your paperwork with the customer
If there any issues/delays regarding delivery it is important that you raise these with us as soon as you are aware.